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bluff2 to try to fool a person by pretending something is true when it is not. [1/3 definitions]
bozo an annoying person; fool; simpleton. [1/2 definitions]
canny difficult to fool or take advantage of; shrewd; wary; clever.
cheat to make the victim of a hoax; trick; fool. [1/11 definitions]
chump1 (informal) a fool; dolt. [1/3 definitions]
deceive to cause to believe something that is not true; trick or fool.
dodge a trick or plan to avoid having to do something difficult or to fool someone. [1/5 definitions]
double-cross (informal) to fool or cheat by doing the opposite of what one has agreed to do.
dupe to fool or trick; mislead. [1/3 definitions]
feint to fool or influence by feinting. [1/5 definitions]
fool to act or speak stupidly or in jest; play the fool; joke. [1/11 definitions]
fool's cap a cap traditionally worn by the fool in a royal court, usu. brightly colored and topped by several drooping peaks hung with bells. [1/2 definitions]
idiot a stupid person; fool.
imbecile a stupid person; fool. [1/4 definitions]
jackass one who behaves in a foolish manner; fool or stupid person. [1/2 definitions]
kid2 (informal) to tell a lie to or fool. [1/2 definitions]
knucklehead (informal) a stupid, inept person; fool.
merry-andrew one who plays a fool; buffoon; clown.
objective complement in grammar, a word or word group used in the predicate of a sentence to modify the direct object, such as "a fool" in "I called her a fool".
play a trick to carry out a plan that deceives or makes a fool of someone and gives amusement to oneself or others (usu. fol. by "on").
pose1 a way of acting in order to fool people. [1/5 definitions]