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Dictionary Suite
abstinence the denial of satisfaction of one's appetites, esp. the appetite for certain foods, drugs, or sexual activity. [1/2 definitions]
budget the amount of money that someone can spend during a certain time or for certain purposes. [1/3 definitions]
bureau an office or department that is responsible for certain jobs. [1/3 definitions]
confidential told in private; only for certain people, not for the public.
definite known for certain; sure. [1/3 definitions]
draft a piece of writing or a picture that needs more work to be finished. [1/3 definitions]
dressing a sauce for certain foods. [1/3 definitions]
Fair Labor Standards Act law passed by the U.S. Congress in 1938 and administered by the U.S. Department of Labor to establish work standards, such as national minimum wage, overtime compensation for certain jobs, and restriction on the use of child labor.
guess to figure out correctly without knowing for certain. [1/4 definitions]
holy water in the Roman Catholic Church, water blessed by a priest and used for certain religious purposes.
inelastic not responding or adapting to change, esp. of price, as demand for certain goods. [1/2 definitions]
kitty2 in some card games, the pot of wagers, or a special pot collected from forfeits or paid for certain unusual hands. [1/3 definitions]
kumiss a similar drink made from cow's milk, used for certain special diets. [1/2 definitions]
odd man out a method of isolating or choosing a person from a group, as for certain games, or the person so isolated or chosen. [1/2 definitions]
oral surgery a branch of dentistry that uses surgery as treatment for certain disorders of the teeth, gums, and jaws.
orcinol a white crystalline compound that turns red on exposure to air, used as a reagent for certain carbohydrates.
stock a base, handle, or frame for certain objects. [1/11 definitions]
systems engineering a branch of engineering that makes use of computer science and systems analysis to put together efficient operating procedures for certain networks or complexes.
zone an area in a town or city that has a particular use or that cannot be used for certain activities. [1/2 definitions]