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against in forceful contact with. [1/5 definitions]
aggressive very bold; acting as if full of power and authority; forceful. [1/2 definitions]
brainwash to alter a person's ideas or beliefs by forceful means such as physical torture or psychological stress. [1/4 definitions]
breakout a forceful escape from a restricting place or situation, such as prison.
buffet1 a forceful blow, as with a club or fist. [1/4 definitions]
bump to knock against or hit, often by accident. [3/7 definitions]
choke to cause to stop, esp. by forceful suppression (often fol. by "back" or "off"). [1/9 definitions]
clamp down (informal) to become more forceful in trying to stop behaviors that are not wanted; start using more or stronger ways of controlling. [1/2 definitions]
clap a forceful, open-handed slap or blow. [1/11 definitions]
coup the sudden and forceful attempt of a group, esp. of military or other government personnel, to seize state power; coup d'état. [1/2 definitions]
crush to break into small pieces by pounding, grinding, or some other forceful means. [1/5 definitions]
demand to make a forceful request or command. [1/9 definitions]
depress to cause to be less forceful or active; weaken. [1/4 definitions]
drive a forceful push. [1/11 definitions]
dynamic full of energy; forceful. [1/5 definitions]
emphatic forceful, determined, or insistent in speech or action. [1/3 definitions]
explosion a sudden, forceful, and often emotional outburst. [1/3 definitions]
fierce extremely forceful or violent. [1/4 definitions]
flamenco a dance form of Spanish gypsies or the forceful, percussive, strongly rhythmical music or singing that accompanies it or is played alone. [1/2 definitions]
fly1 to shoot through the air, propelled by an initial, forceful ejection. [1/12 definitions]
forte2 in music, loud and forceful. [1/3 definitions]