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crystal ball a globe of glass or quartz crystal used by fortune-tellers to foretell events in the future.
divine to discover or foretell by omens or supernatural means. [1/12 definitions]
forebode to foretell the likelihood of or be an omen of. [1/4 definitions]
foretold past tense and past participle of "foretell."
oneiromancy the practice of attempting to foretell the future by the interpretation of dreams.
predict to see or proclaim in advance (a future unplanned event); prophesy; foretell. [2/3 definitions]
presage to be a sign or warning of; portend or foretell. [1/7 definitions]
presignify to indicate or signify beforehand; foreshadow; foretell.
prognosticate to predict or foretell on the basis of present signs or symptoms. [1/3 definitions]
prophecy an act of foretelling, or the ability to foretell. [1/3 definitions]
prophesy to foretell or reveal, esp. under divine inspiration. [1/5 definitions]
see1 to predict or foretell. [1/16 definitions]
soothsayer one who has or claims to have the ability to predict the future and foretell events; seer.