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advance to come or move forward.
advancement a moving forward or being moved forward; progress. [1/2 definitions]
ahead forward; toward a further time or position. [1/3 definitions]
air bag a bag in the front of some cars that blows up with air instantly in a crash to stop the passengers from being thrown forward.
along toward what is ahead; forward. [1/4 definitions]
anticipate to look forward to; expect. [1/2 definitions]
argue to put forward reasons for or against something. [1/5 definitions]
assert to put forward strongly. [1/2 definitions]
assertive forward or aggressive in speech or action.
attention a way in which a person stands in the military, with the body straight, the legs and feet together, and the eyes looking forward. [1/4 definitions]
autogiro an aircraft that is pulled forward by a conventional propeller and held up in the air by a large horizontal rotor mounted on top of the fuselage.
await to wait for; look forward to. [1/2 definitions]
back toward the direction that is opposite from forward; backward; away. [1/10 definitions]
back and forth moving backward then forward, or forward then backward, often many times without stopping. [1/2 definitions]
backhand a tennis stroke that involves a forward movement of the arm with the back of the hand outward.
backswing in sports, the first part of the swing of a bat, club, racket, or the like, in which it is swung toward the player's back in preparation for the forward swing.
balk anything that blocks or stops forward progress; hindrance; defeat. [1/7 definitions]
bend to lean one's upper body from the waist (often followed by "over", "forward", or "back"). [1/5 definitions]
bold brazen; forward. [1/5 definitions]
bold-faced brazen; forward. [1/2 definitions]
bow1 to bend the head or upper body forward toward the feet in order to greet or show respect to someone.