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ABO system a classification system for the inherited antigens found on the surface of human red blood cells, which determine compatibility for blood transfusions.
abound to be found in large numbers or amounts.
adder2 a small, poisonous snake found in Europe and Asia.
adenosine an organic compound that is made up of adenine and ribose and found in nucleic acids, and that may be obtained as a white crystalline powder through the hydrolysis of yeast.
admiral any of a family of brightly colored, medium to large-sized butterflies, found worldwide. [1/2 definitions]
agouti any of several related nocturnal, burrowing rodents found in the tropics of the Western Hemisphere that are about the size of a rabbit but have short ears and grizzled fur.
alanine a nonessential amino acid that is found in proteins.
albacore a variety of tuna found in warm to temperate waters, and often canned for human consumption.
albatross a very large sea bird found mostly in the Southern Hemisphere. Albatrosses have webbed feet, long narrow wings, and hooked beaks.
albumin any of a class of proteins soluble in water and coagulating in heat, found in egg white, blood, milk, and various plant and animal tissues.
alewife1 a small fish, related to the herring and resembling the shad, found in North America in the Atlantic Ocean and the Great Lakes.
alkali a soluble salt found in some soil composition, making it unfit for agriculture. [1/2 definitions]
alkaloid any of various nitrogen-containing organic bases found in plants and from which drugs such as nicotine, quinine, and morphine are made.
alligator either of two large crocodilian reptiles found in China and the southeastern United States and distinguished by their short broad snouts.
altocumulus a cloud having rounded, fluffy edges and a white or gray color, found at medium altitudes.
altostratus a thick dense cloud that forms a uniform gray sheet that often produces precipitation, found at medium altitudes.
ament1 a dense, drooping cluster of scalelike flowers growing around a spike, found on trees such as poplars, birches, and willows; catkin.
amylase any of a class of enzymes, found in saliva and many tissues of plants and animals, that break down starch to sugars.
anaconda a very large snake found in South America. Anacondas are not poisonous but kill other animals by squeezing them until they cannot breathe. Anacondas can grow to over twenty feet long.
anchovy a small fish that is related to the herring and is used for food. Anchovies are found mostly in warm ocean waters.
anthill a pile of earth made by ants as they dig their underground nest. Anthills are found near the nest entrance.