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abandon freedom from restraint or inhibition. [1/6 definitions]
academic freedom in educational institutions, the freedom of a teacher to teach, of a student to learn, and of both to discuss and hold opinions, esp. about social, political, and moral issues, without arbitrary interference or reprisals by school or public officials, organized groups, or the like.
American dream the American ideal that any man or woman may obtain material wealth, equality, freedom, and the like.
assurance freedom from doubt or timidity; self-confidence. [1/3 definitions]
autonomy freedom and independence; self-governance. [1/2 definitions]
Ben Nevis the name of the ship that landed in Galveston, Texas in 1854 with a congregation of approximately 500 Slavic immigrants who sought freedom from cultural oppression and religious persecution. [1/2 definitions]
blank check (informal) a grant of unlimited freedom or authority. [1/2 definitions]
Buddhism a religion from Asia, founded in the sixth century B.C. by Buddha. Buddhism teaches freedom from the self and from one's wants.
calm a condition of freedom from disturbance; peace and quiet. [1/6 definitions]
carte blanche unrestricted authority, freedom, or discretion.
certitude the state, condition, or feeling of freedom from uncertainty or doubt. [1/2 definitions]
civil liberty a citizen's freedom to exercise certain rights, such as the right to free speech or free assembly, as guaranteed by the laws of a country.
cramp2 to limit the freedom of by closely confining.
Declaration of Independence the public document by which America declared its freedom from England in 1776.
discretion the freedom or authority to use one's own judgment. [1/2 definitions]
disengagement freedom from responsibility. [1/2 definitions]
disposition the authority or freedom to dispose of or control. [1/6 definitions]
ease freedom from pain, worry, or hard work. [1/4 definitions]
exemption the act of exempting or condition of being exempted; freedom from an obligation, rule, or the like. [1/2 definitions]
existentialism a philosophy that emphasizes alienation and anxiety caused by the isolated and unexplainable nature of an individual's experience within an indifferent world, and stresses absolute freedom of choice associated with bearing responsibility for one's acts.
feel one's oats to be unusually energetic, or to be newly aware of one's freedom or power.