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abrade to rub away by friction; erode. [2/4 definitions]
abrasion the act or process of rubbing, scraping, or wearing away; friction. [1/2 definitions]
antifriction combined form of friction.
attrition a gradual wearing down or erosion as a result of friction. [1/3 definitions]
Babbitt metal a soft white metal alloy of tin, copper, and antimony that is used as a lining to reduce friction in bearings.
ball bearing a bearing composed of a track containing freely rolling metal balls, against which or within which a shaft or other part can rotate without friction. [1/2 definitions]
bearing a machine part that holds another, moving part and allows it to move with less friction. Bearings are often used to help wheels turn.
brake1 a device for slowing or stopping the motion of a vehicle, wheel, or the like, esp. by friction. [1/5 definitions]
brake band a lined, flexible, usu. steel band around a brake drum, which, when tightened, creates the friction of a braking action.
brake shoe a curved plate of lined metal that creates friction when pressed against a wheel or brake drum, creating a braking action.
burn out to stop burning, or to stop functioning because of excessive friction or heat. [1/2 definitions]
bursa a sac in the body, esp. one filled with fluid, that acts to protect against friction, as in a joint.
bush2 a lining, usu. of metal, that is used in machines to reduce friction. [1/3 definitions]
bushing an insulator that lines a hole in an electrical device so as to protect conductors from damage caused by friction. [1/2 definitions]
chafe to rub or press against something, esp. resulting in friction or wear. [2/6 definitions]
cushion something used to absorb shock or prevent damage from friction. [2/5 definitions]
drag anything that adds friction or retards movement. [1/13 definitions]
erode to slowly wear away, eat into, or destroy by the action of friction, or as if by friction. [1/3 definitions]
frictional of, pertaining to, or caused by friction.
frictionless combined form of friction.
friction match a match that lights by friction or rubbing.