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4WD abbreviation of "four-wheel drive," a car that drives by means of all four wheels rather than the rear wheels only, or the drive system of such, in which both front and rear wheel axles are turned by the drive shaft.
aback so that the wind catches the front side of an open sail. [2 definitions]
abeam at right angles to a line passing from the front to the back of a ship.
Adam's apple the projection at the front of the human throat formed by the largest cartilage of the larynx, visible esp. in men.
advance going in front of. [1/14 definitions]
adverb a word that describes a verb, adjective, adverb, or whole sentence. When a word is an adverb, it describes how or when or where we do things. Words like "tomorrow," "here," "there," "slowly," and "usually" are adverbs. Adverbs also go in front of other adverbs or adjectives to describe those words.
ahead before; in front.
ahead of further toward the front than. [1/3 definitions]
air bag a bag in the front of some cars that blows up with air instantly in a crash to stop the passengers from being thrown forward.
ante- in front of; before. [1/2 definitions]
anterior located near or at the front. (Cf. posterior.) [1/2 definitions]
apron a piece of clothing that covers the front of the body. An apron is worn to keep clothes clean.
areaway a sunken area in front of basement doors or windows allowing access from outside, or permitting light and air to pass through. [1/2 definitions]
auditorium a large room in which performances, speeches, and the like are given in front of an audience, or a building housing such a space.
back the side opposite the front. [1/8 definitions]
back-to-back having the back sides adjoining so that the front sides are facing outward. [1/2 definitions]
barouche a four-wheeled carriage with a folding top, two opposing seats for two people each inside, and a driver's seat outside in front.
bayonet a weapon like a knife attached to the front end of a rifle for use in close fighting.
bead the sight on the front or muzzle end of a gun. [1/8 definitions]
beaver1 a large rodent, up to four feet long, with thick brown fur and a wide flat tail. Beavers use their long front teeth to cut down trees for food and to build dams and lodges (beaver houses). They use the dams to keep water around their lodges. Beavers live in North America, Europe, and Asia.
beetle1 an insect with a pair of hard front wings that covers a pair of thin wings. There are many different kinds of beetles. Japanese beetles, ladybugs, and fireflies are beetles.