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chip1 the British word for a long, thin stick or slab of potato that is deep-fried. This meaning of "chip" has the same meaning as "french fry" in American English. [1/6 definitions]
deep-fry to fry in a deep pan with enough fat or oil to cover what is being cooked.
French-fry (often l.c.) to fry (potatoes, onion rings, or the like) in deep oil or fat until crisp.
fried past tense and past participle of "fry." [1/2 definitions]
fry2 (informal) youths or children; small fry. [1/3 definitions]
pan-fry to fry in a skillet or frying pan with a small amount of fat.
sauté to fry lightly in a small amount of fat such as butter or oil. [1/3 definitions]