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Acremonium the genus of fungi, formerly known as Cephalosporium, from which the antibiotic cephalosporin was originally isolated. Several species may cause disease in humans, esp. pneumonia.
actinomycin any of several antibiotics derived from soil bacteria that work against certain other bacteria and fungi.
agaric any of numerous related fungi with gills on the underside of a cap; mushroom.
antibiotic any of various substances derived from fungi or other organisms and used to destroy or prevent the growth of bacteria or other disease-causing organisms. [1/2 definitions]
athlete's foot a common contagious skin infection characterized by itching and scaling, and caused by fungi that thrive in warm moist places, such as between the toes.
autogamy in biology, self-fertilization by the reuniting of two nuclei that originated in the splitting of a single nucleus, as in certain protozoa, algae, and fungi. [1/2 definitions]
basidiomycete any of the fungi, such as mushrooms, puffballs, and smuts, that bear spores on a club-shaped cell.
bunt3 a disease of wheat and other grain plants that is caused by fungi.
cephalosporin any of a group of antibiotics originally isolated from fungi of the genus Acremonium (formerly known as Cephalosporium) used to treat bacterial infections.
conidium in fungi, an asexual spore formed at the tip of a specialized structure.
conk1 a hard body of any of various shelflike fungi that grow on the sides of trees.
cryophyte a plant, esp. certain algae or fungi, capable of growing in icy or snowy conditions.
cyst in certain lower plants and fungi, a chamber containing reproductive cells. [1/3 definitions]
filament a threadlike structure, as in the stamens of flowers, the gills of fish, and the appendages of some algae and fungi. [1/3 definitions]
foxfire a phosphorescent glow from organic matter, esp. from certain fungi that grow on rotting wood. [2 definitions]
fungicide a chemical agent or treatment used to kill fungi.
fusarium wilt a plant disease, caused by fungi, that attacks and kills a variety of plants such as tomatoes and bananas.
green mold any of various fungi whose spores are greenish.
microbiome the total collection of microorganisms, such as fungi, bacteria, and viruses, that are found in a particular biological environment, esp. the environment of the human body or particular parts of it such as the human gut or the skin.
mildew any of several fungi that grow on plants and, under moist conditions, on other organic materials such as paper. [2/3 definitions]
mold2 any of the fungi that cause this surface growth. [1/4 definitions]