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Dictionary Suite
amusing entertaining; funny.
anecdote a short tale about a funny or interesting event.
antic (usu. pl.) playful or funny actions; pranks. [1/5 definitions]
circus a show that travels from town to town to entertain people. Performers do acts that are funny or amaze people. Often there are trained animals too.
comedy a play, film, story, or television show that is funny.
comic amusing or funny. [1/3 definitions]
comical funny; amusing.
comic book a book or magazine that contains a series of cartoons that tell a story. Some comic books tell funny stories, but many comic books are about adventure, love, or other things.
comic strip a series of cartoons in a newspaper that tells a funny story.
crazy bone see "funny bone."
cutup (informal) someone who habitually tries to be funny or plays pranks.
drollery something funny. [1/3 definitions]
fool a person whose job was to entertain people by acting in a funny or foolish way for a king or noble; jester. [1/6 definitions]
gag2 (informal) to tell jokes; make funny remarks. [1/2 definitions]
hilarious very funny.
humor the ability to express or understand what is funny or amusing. [1/4 definitions]
humorous having the character or quality of humor; funny.
hysterical causing much laughter; wildly funny. [1/2 definitions]
jest a funny saying or action; joke. [2 definitions]
jocose funny; humorous. [1/2 definitions]
joke a short story with a funny ending that is told to make people laugh. [1/2 definitions]