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ahead in the future. [2/3 definitions]
Apollo the god of light, music, poetry, and healing in Greek and Roman mythology. Apollo was also the god of prophecy. People travelled to his shrine at Delphi to ask questions about future events.
apprehend to be anxious or fearful about (a future event). [1/4 definitions]
apprehension anxiety about future events. [1/3 definitions]
apprehensive feeling fearful about future events.
aside set apart for future use or need. [1/3 definitions]
augur one who predicts the future or tries to obtain hidden knowledge by interpreting signs and omens, esp. an ancient Roman religious official with such a duty; soothsayer. [1/5 definitions]
augury the art or practice or an instance of predicting the future or obtaining hidden knowledge by interpreting omens. [1/2 definitions]
auspice (often pl.) an omen or sign of the future, esp. one taken as favorable. [2/3 definitions]
backlog to hold back for future processing or completion. [1/3 definitions]
be used with the present participle to say that some action is planned in the future. [1/6 definitions]
bet to agree to pay if your guess about some future event is wrong. [2/3 definitions]
black book a real or imaginary notebook containing names of people, usu. recorded for future censure or punishment.
bode1 to serve as a sign about the future; show ahead of time.
can2 to put in a sealed jar to keep fresh for future use. [1/3 definitions]
Cassandra in The Iliad, an ancient Greek epic poem, a woman who saw the future accurately, but who was fated never to be believed. [1/2 definitions]
chiromancy the practice of divining a person's character or future from the characteristics of his or her hand; palmistry.
contemplate to consider seriously as a future action; plan. [1/4 definitions]
contingency a future event that is possible but not likely. [2/3 definitions]
could used to talk about something that is possible in the present or future but not certain; often used in polite requests or offers. [1/4 definitions]
cryonics (used with a sing. verb) the freezing of the body of someone who has just died for the purpose of storing it in anticipation of future resuscitation and cure.