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amberjack any of various large game fishes of warm oceans; yellowtail.
application program a computer program designed to be used by, and perform a particular function for, end users, such as a word-processing program, browser, or game.
auction bridge a version of bridge in which players bid for the right to specify which suit will be trump, any extra tricks won beyond the contract being scored toward a game.
baccarat a card game, often played for high stakes in European casinos, in which the dealer plays against several other players.
backgammon a board game played by two people. The players throw dice and move their pieces around and then off the board.
bag to kill or capture (game). [1/11 definitions]
bagatelle a game played with balls and cues on a table with holes at one end. [1/3 definitions]
ball1 a game played with a ball, especially baseball. [1/3 definitions]
ball boy a boy or young man who retrieves stray balls during a tennis or baseball game, or who has charge of balls used in practice, as in football and basketball.
ballgame a game played with a ball on a field.
ball girl a girl or young woman who retrieves stray balls during a tennis or baseball game, or who has charge of balls used in practice, as in field hockey or volleyball.
baseball a game played by two teams of nine people each. You get points when you hit the ball with a bat and then run around four bases. [2 definitions]
basketball a game played by two teams of five people each. You get points when you throw a ball through a metal ring and net. [2 definitions]
batting the action of using a bat in a game of baseball or cricket. [1/2 definitions]
battledore the paddle used in this game. [1/2 definitions]
beano a game similar to bingo, often using beans as markers.
beater a person whose job it is to flush out game for hunting by striking the bushes and ground cover. [1/4 definitions]
bezique a card game similar to pinochle but using two of each card higher than a six.
billiards a game played with long sticks and hard balls on a special table covered with cloth. Players use a stick to hit the balls against each other and into pockets along the edges of the table.
bingo a game in which players try to match numbers on a card with numbers read out by a caller. Each player has a card with numbered squares. The player who is the first to cover a whole row of squares is the winner.
bird dog a dog or breed of dogs used to hunt or retrieve game birds.