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aspic1 a gelatin, usu. of meat or fish stock, used as a garnish for fish or meat or to make a mold of various foods.
bean sprout a young, tender shoot, as of the soybean or mung bean, used as a garnish, in salads, and the like.
caper2 the flower bud of this shrub, which is pickled and eaten as a garnish or condiment. [1/2 definitions]
cilantro the young leaves and delicate stems of the coriander plant used as an herb for flavor or garnish.
cress any of various plants related to mustard, such as watercress, whose sharp-tasting leaves are used as flavoring or as a garnish for food.
garnish anything used to garnish food. [1/2 definitions]
garnishee to confiscate by legal order (a salary, bank account, property, or the like) to satisfy an unpaid debt; garnish. [2/3 definitions]
garnishment a garnish; ornamentation; decoration. [1/2 definitions]
Parmesan a hard dry cheese made from skim milk and usu. grated to garnish other foods such as pasta.
pimento a small, pickled strip of such a pepper, often used to stuff olives or garnish salads; pimiento. [1/3 definitions]
pimiento a red garden pepper, or a small pickled strip of it, used to stuff olives, garnish salads, and the like; pimento.
poppy seed the seed of the poppy plant, used as a garnish or filling in baking.
tartar steak raw ground beefsteak mixed with raw egg and seasonings and served with a garnish of parsley or capers; steak tartare.
watercress the piquant leaves of this plant, often used in salads and soups, and as a garnish. [1/2 definitions]
Wiener schnitzel a thick, breaded veal cutlet, sometimes served with a garnish such as a lemon slice or anchovy.