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appurtenance (pl.) equipment or instruments used for a given purpose; gear. [1/2 definitions]
backpack a pack used to carry objects, esp. camping gear, on one's back; knapsack. [1/3 definitions]
bevel gear a gear with teeth angled or beveled so that it meshes with another gear whose shaft is at an angle of less than 180 degrees to its own shaft.
boatswain a warrant officer on a warship, or in domestic service a petty officer responsible for a ship's gear such as rigging, anchors, and the like.
chassis the landing gear of an airplane. [1/4 definitions]
cog1 one of a series of teeth on a gear.
decamp to pack up gear and leave a camp. [1/2 definitions]
differential in machinery, a system of gears allowing two or more shafts powered by the same source to turn at different speeds, as in the drive wheels of an automobile when it is turning; differential gear. [1/8 definitions]
downshift to shift a motor vehicle's transmission into a lower gear.
forward the state of a mechanism that causes forward movement, esp. a gear in an automobile transmission. (Cf. reverse.) [1/13 definitions]
gearless combined form of gear.
gear stick the British word for the lever used to change gears in a car, truck, or other motor vehicle. "Gear stick" has the same meaning as "gearshift."
ghost gear fishing gear that is lost or illegally dumped into the oceans by commercial fishing companies.
hob1 a machine tool used for cutting the teeth of gear wheels, sprockets, and the like. [1/2 definitions]
idle to run an engine out of gear without causing motion. [1/6 definitions]
idler a gear or wheel that transmits motion between two others without change of direction or speed. [1/2 definitions]
lanyard a short rope or wire used to fasten or tauten gear or rigging on a ship. [1/4 definitions]
lever an extended handle which controls or sets the position of a part or parts in a mechanical device such as a latch or a gear shift. [1/3 definitions]
lug1 of an engine, to move under a strain, as in too high a gear up a hill. [1/2 definitions]
mesh a fitting together, as of gear teeth. [1/8 definitions]
pinion1 a small gear that engages a larger one.