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amethyst a purple gem used in jewelry. Amethyst is a kind of quartz.
baguette a gem cut in a long, rectangular shape. [2/3 definitions]
bezel in jewelry, the part to which gems are attached, or any facet of the cut gem above this part. [1/2 definitions]
boule2 a cylindrical or pear-shaped ball of alumina, fused and tinted to produce a synthetic gem. [1/3 definitions]
dinner ring a ring set with a gem or group of gemstones, worn by a woman on formal occasions.
facet one of the small, flat, polished surfaces of a cut gem.
foil2 a thin layer of shiny metal set under a gem to increase its brilliance. [1/7 definitions]
intaglio a gem or other piece of jewelry that is decorated with such a carving. [1/3 definitions]
jargon2 a yellow, green, colorless, or smoky type of the mineral zircon that is valued as a gem.
jewel a special stone that has been cut and made smooth; gem. Jewels are used to make jewelry and ornaments. [1/2 definitions]
lapis lazuli an opaque blue stone used as a semiprecious gem and in pigment. [1/2 definitions]
marquise a gem with a pointed oval shape, esp. a diamond, or a ring set with such a gem or gems. [1/3 definitions]
moonstone an opalescent variety of feldspar, used as a gem. [1/2 definitions]
pearl a smooth, round gem that is formed inside the shells of oysters. A pearl forms to cover something, such as a grain of sand, that gets stuck in an oyster and irritates it.
precious stone any of several minerals, such as diamonds, rubies, sapphires, or emeralds, that are valued for their rarity and beauty, and are often used in jewelry; gem.
rhinestone an artificial gem made to resemble a diamond.
rock1 a diamond or other gem. [1/4 definitions]
setting the mounting for a gem, such as a ring. [1/5 definitions]
solitaire a single gem, such as a diamond or ruby, in a setting by itself. [1/2 definitions]
sparkler a gem that glitters, esp. a diamond. [1/3 definitions]
spinel any of a group of hard, crystalline mineral oxides containing magnesium and aluminum, the red variety of which is used as a gem.