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Dictionary Suite
arctic (often cap.) the geographical area enclosed by the Arctic Circle. [1/5 definitions]
bowl1 a rounded valley or other geographical depression or formation. [1/6 definitions]
-dom geographical or governmental domain. [1/3 definitions]
fall line a geographical line connecting the waterfalls of parallel rivers that indicates a drop in land level. [1/2 definitions]
folklore the legends, traditions, customs, beliefs, and the like, of a racial, geographical, or national group, handed down through the generations. [1/3 definitions]
gazetteer a dictionary of geographical names.
geodesy the science concerned with measuring the size, shape, area, and curvature of the entire earth or of large parts of it and with locating specific geographical points.
linguistic atlas a collection of maps recording the geographical distribution of linguistic forms and usages.
parish in Louisiana, a governmental and geographical unit similar to a county in other states. [1/2 definitions]
region a land surface having certain common geographical or topographical characteristics. [1/4 definitions]
subspecies a subdivision of a plant or animal species that shows differences from others of the same species, as a result of difference in geographical location or time period.
uncharted not recorded on any map or chart; unexplored or unknown, as some geographical area or field of research.