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acute in geometry, of less than ninety degrees. [1/7 definitions]
altitude in geometry, a perpendicular line segment that extends from one vertex of a figure to the opposite edge or face, or the length of such a line segment; height. [1/4 definitions]
analytic geometry a branch of geometry that uses algebraic equations to determine distance or the like by using variables defined by coordinates; Cartesian geometry.
circumcenter in geometry, the center of a circumscribed circle, which is a circle is that touches all the vertices of a polygon.
complement in geometry, the difference between a right angle and a given angle that is less than ninety degrees. [1/7 definitions]
cone in geometry, a three-dimensional shape created by rotating a right triangle 360 degrees on its vertical axis. [1/5 definitions]
congruent in geometry, exactly the same in shape and size. [1/2 definitions]
conic section in geometry, a curve, such as an ellipse, hyperbola, or parabola, created by the intersection of a plane and a right circular cone.
conoid in geometry, a solid formed by the revolution of a conic section around its axis. [1/3 definitions]
cusp in geometry and architecture, the point at which two curves become tangent. [1/3 definitions]
cycloid in geometry, a curve traced by a point on the circumference of a circle that is rolling along a straight line. [1/3 definitions]
cylinder in geometry, a surface or volume described by a straight line tracing a closed curve, esp. a circle, at a fixed angle, usu. a right angle, in two parallel planes. [1/5 definitions]
decagon in geometry, a ten-sided plane figure.
decahedron in geometry, a ten-faced solid figure.
diameter in geometry, a straight line passing through the center of a circle or sphere and having its ends on the circumference or surface. [1/3 definitions]
epicycle in geometry, a small circle that rolls on the inside or the outside of the circumference of a larger circle. [1/2 definitions]
erect in geometry, to draw (a figure) upon a defined line or other base. [1/7 definitions]
geometric having to do with geometry. [2 definitions]
geometry the area of mathematics concerned with the study of shapes and objects. Geometry deals with the measurement and relation of angles, points, lines, planes, and solid figures. [1/2 definitions]
mathematics (used with a singular verb) the study of numbers, amounts, shapes, and the relationship between them, using symbols to represent these things. Arithmetic, algebra, and geometry are some branches of mathematics.
mensuration the branch of geometry concerned with measuring length, area, and volume. [1/2 definitions]