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appeal the ability to get interest and attention. [1/3 definitions]
block to get in the way of movement or stop progress. [1/9 definitions]
board to get into or on something that is used for transportation. [1/3 definitions]
buy to get in return for paying money.
check up on to try to get information about what someone is doing.
clay pigeon a clay disk used as a target in trapshooting.
climb in to step upward and get into (a vehicle).
compensation something that you get in return for doing something; something that you get in exchange for losing something.
corral (informal) to get in one's possession; gather; capture. [1/4 definitions]
curl up to get into a comfortable sitting or lying position.
entangle to cause to get involved in a difficult situation. [1/2 definitions]
hacker someone who is able to use a computer to get into carefully protected computer systems owned by a government, business, or individual. [1/2 definitions]
hamper1 to get in the way of.
hop in (informal) to quickly get into (a vehicle), especially in a happy and unhesitant manner.
huddle a gathering of a football team's players to get instructions for the next play. [1/5 definitions]
interfere to block or get in the way (usually followed by "with"). [2 definitions]
investigate to look at closely so as to get information and learn the facts.
jaundice a disorder in which excessive amounts of bile get into the blood and cause yellowing of the skin and eyes, sluggishness, and loss of appetite. [1/3 definitions]
lock up to lock a place or thing so that others cannot get into it or take it.
missile a powerful weapon shot at a target in a rocket that has its own controls. [1/2 definitions]
monitor to observe something in order to get information. [1/3 definitions]