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being any living creature, or something people see as a living creature, such as a spirit or ghost [1/2 definitions]
ghost of a ghost, to appear persistently in (a place) or to (a person); haunt. [1/7 definitions]
ghostly like a ghost; pale or eerie.
haunt to live in or visit as a ghost. [1/3 definitions]
Holy Spirit the third member of the Christian Trinity; Holy Ghost.
Janjaweed (used with a pl. verb) a heavily-armed, mounted militia group based in the Darfur region of Sudan. The name "janjaweed" comes from the Arabic, meaning "ghost riders."
phantasm a ghost or phantom; specter. [1/3 definitions]
phantom a ghost or something else that seems real, but is not real.
shade a ghost or spirit; specter. [1/16 definitions]
specter a ghost or apparition, esp. one that causes dread or terror. [1/2 definitions]
spirit a being that is not of this world, such as a devil, ghost, or fairy. [1/5 definitions]
spook (informal) a ghost; phantom. [1/2 definitions]
supernatural of, pertaining to, or caused by a ghost, demon, or the like. [1/4 definitions]
trinity (cap.) in Christianity, the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, considered as the threefold personality of God. [1/2 definitions]
walk to move in a visible form, as a ghost or specter. [1/14 definitions]
wraith the ghost of a dead person; specter. [1/2 definitions]