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amphibian any cold-blooded vertebrate, such as a frog or salamander, that has aquatic gill-breathing larvae and terrestrial lung-breathing adults. [1/4 definitions]
branchia a gill.
chordate of or denoting an animal, such as a tunicate, lancelet, or vertebrate, that at some stage of development has gill slits, a dorsal nerve cord, and a notochord.
gill1 to catch (fish) in a gill net. [1/5 definitions]
moray any of a variety of usu. large tropical eels lacking pectoral fins and having rounded, porelike gill openings.
noggin a unit of capacity equal to a gill, one fourth of a pint, or 1.183 deciliters, used esp. for measuring ale or liquor. [1/4 definitions]
oyster crab a small crab that lives as a commensal inside the gill cavities of living oysters and clams.
pileus the umbrellalike, gill-bearing cap of a mushroom or a similar structure on other fungi. [1/2 definitions]
teacup in the UK, a unit of capacity equal to one fourth of a pint, two wineglassfuls, 5 fluid ounces, or 142.0656 milliliters; a gill. [1/2 definitions]