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biome a major type of global region, such as forest, desert, or grassland, characterized by the community of plants and animals that have adapted to life under the particular soil and climatic conditions that a particular region presents.
climate change a significant change in global and regional climate patterns that is of current concern and is associated with an increase in carbon dioxide and certain other gases in Earth's atmosphere which contribute to global warming. [1/2 definitions]
El Niņo an unusually warm Pacific Ocean current that develops near the International Date Line in the center of the ocean and flows east toward Peru and then south along the coast of South America. El Niņo events, which occur every two to seven years approximately, are associated with various negative impacts including damage to the livelihoods of those dependent on fishing and disturbance to regional and global weather patterns, which in turn can increase the incidence of disease and the frequency of destructive weather events.
globalism the policy or attitude of putting global or worldwide concerns before national ones.
global positioning device a navigational device, usu. hand-held or installed in a vehicle, that uses the Global Positioning System, a global satellite positioning system, or other similar means to determine one's exact location.
Global Positioning System a public satellite navigation system designed and controlled by the U.S. Department of Defense that provides an accurate global time reference and is used to determine a precise location on Earth.
global warming an increase in global temperatures believed to be caused in part by the greenhouse effect.
globular worldwide or global. [1/3 definitions]
GPS abbreviation of "Global Positioning System," a public satellite navigation system designed and controlled by the U.S. Department of Defense that provides an accurate global time reference and is used to determine a precise location on Earth.
internet a global network of millions of computers that provides rapid access to and exchange of data. [1/2 definitions]