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ascription a prayer or text in praise of or attributing glory to a deity. [1/2 definitions]
gamopetalous having fused or partly fused petals that form a tubelike corolla, such as that of the morning-glory.
glorify to give great praise, honor, or glory to, esp. in worship; exalt; extol. [1/3 definitions]
glorious having or meriting great praise, fame, honor, or glory; illustrious. [2/4 definitions]
ipomoea a plant of the morning glory family that has heart-shaped leaves and bears showy flowers. [1/2 definitions]
jalap the dried root of any of several plants belonging to the morning-glory family, used as a purgative. [1/2 definitions]
moonflower a kind of morning glory found in tropical America, bearing fragrant large flowers that open at night.
morning glory a climbing vine with flowers that open in the morning and close by evening. Morning glory flowers are shaped like a trumpet and come in several colors.
sic transit gloria mundi (Latin) thus passes away worldly glory.
Stars and Stripes (used with a singular or plural verb) the national flag of the United States. It has thirteen red and white stripes and a blue field with fifty white stars that stand for the fifty states; Old Glory.