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Dictionary Suite
bright brilliant or vivid, as in color or gloss. [1/7 definitions]
enamel to coat or decorate with a high surface gloss or variety of bright colors. [1/5 definitions]
luster the quality of a surface that reflects light softly; gloss; sheen. [1/5 definitions]
patina a surface gloss or other attractive quality imparted by time and use to a material such as wood or leather. [1/4 definitions]
shine luster; gloss. [1/10 definitions]
shiny having a gloss; polished. [1/2 definitions]
supercalender a roller or set of rollers that gives a high gloss to paper. [2 definitions]
varnish to give a superficially or deceptively pleasing appearance to; gloss over. [1/5 definitions]
whitewash the use of deceptive or misleading words or actions to gloss over or cover up faults, misdeeds, disgrace, or the like. [2/6 definitions]