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bloom a fresh glow or rosiness of the cheeks. [1/8 definitions]
flame to redden or glow. [1/9 definitions]
flush1 a red color or glow in the face or skin. [1/7 definitions]
foxfire a phosphorescent glow from organic matter, esp. from certain fungi that grow on rotting wood. [2 definitions]
gleam to give out a flash, glow, or beam of light. [2/3 definitions]
ignite to subject to great heat; cause to glow with heat. [1/2 definitions]
incandesce to glow or cause to glow as a result of heat.
incandescent marked by brilliance or great passion that seems to glow. [1/3 definitions]
incandescent lamp a lamp or light bulb in which a filament is made to glow by electric current.
lamplight the light or glow produced by a lamp.
lurid emitting a glaringly bright red glow. [1/3 definitions]
luster the shine of a surface that softly reflects light; glow.
phosphorescence the glow or luminescence that is caused by this. [1/2 definitions]
rosy having a healthy, cheerful glow. [1/4 definitions]
shine the glow that comes from a source of light. [1/8 definitions]
white-hot heated so hot as to glow white. [1/2 definitions]