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Dictionary Suite
adhesive a sticky substance such as glue. [1/2 definitions]
agglutinate to fuse or unite, as by glue. [4 definitions]
bookworm a kind of insect larva that feeds on the glue used in the manufacture of books. [1/2 definitions]
cement a sticky material, such as paste or glue, that gets hard when it dries. [2/3 definitions]
dextrin a gummy substance made from starch and used as a thickener or glue.
epoxy to glue with epoxy. [1/3 definitions]
gelatin an animal protein that is used in glue, on film, and for making things like jelly. [1/2 definitions]
glue to fasten or hold with, or as if with, glue. [1/2 definitions]
glue sniffing the potentially brain-damaging act or practice of inhaling the fumes of certain types of glue, such as model airplane glue, and thereby becoming intoxicated, giddy, or the like.
gluey like glue; sticky. [2 definitions]
glutinous sticky, as glue.
gum1 a glue made from this substance. [1/5 definitions]
India ink a black pigment made of lampblack and glue or size and shaped into cakes or sticks. [1/2 definitions]
latex a thick liquid used to make rubber, paint, and glue.
mucilage a sticky substance used as glue.
papier-mâché a moldable substance, often used for decorations, that is made of pulped or shredded paper, glue, and other materials, and that is soft and pliable when wet but dries to become hard and stiff.
rubber cement an adhesive made of unvulcanized rubber suspended in a volatile solvent.
size2 any of several substances made from glue, starch, clay, or wax, and used as filler material for cloth, paper, or wall surfaces. [1/2 definitions]
spirit gum a special type of glue used in the theater to fasten false hair or whiskers to an actor's face.
stick2 to attach with tape, paste, glue, or other similar substance. [1/10 definitions]
sumi a mixture of soot and glue, made in the form of sticks that are dipped in water and used in a Japanese style of calligraphy and painting.