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Dictionary Suite
around so as to surround or go around. [1/12 definitions]
bypass a road that is built to go around a busy area or to avoid something in the way. [2 definitions]
circumvent to go around; skirt; bypass. [1/2 definitions]
flank to go around the flank of, as to attack. [1/5 definitions]
girth to go around; encompass; encircle. [1/4 definitions]
lap2 the amount of material needed to go around an object one time. [1/10 definitions]
round to go around; pass around. [1/14 definitions]
skirt to be located on the edge of. [2/4 definitions]
spiral a curve that starts at a fixed point and continues to go around and around. [1/6 definitions]
swirl to cause to go around and around; cause to whirl. [1/4 definitions]