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bear1 to go in a direction; turn. [1/9 definitions]
big bang theory the theory that the universe originated at a fixed point billions of years ago in a cosmic explosion of a mass of hydrogen atoms, and that it has been expanding ever since. (Cf. steady state theory.)
break out to go in a completely new direction, leaving others or one's old ways behind. [1/5 definitions]
break up to go in separate ways; disperse. [1/10 definitions]
call out to give (a group) an order to go into action. [1/3 definitions]
craze to go insane or become obsessed. [1/6 definitions]
dissolve to cause to go into solution. [2/11 definitions]
diverge to differ or deviate; go in separate ways. [1/4 definitions]
dry-dock to put or go into dry dock, as a ship.
enter to come or go in. [2/11 definitions]
expatriate to go into exile from or give up one's allegiance to one's native land. [1/5 definitions]
get in to manage to go in; enter. [2/3 definitions]
head to cause to go in a certain direction or on a certain path. [1/19 definitions]
hive to go into or live in a hive or a place like a hive. [1/5 definitions]
infiltrate to go into or through as though by filtering, esp. for destructive purposes. [1/4 definitions]
integrate to undergo integration. [1/5 definitions]
lead1 to go in the direction of a place. [1/20 definitions]
let to allow to come or go in a particular direction. [1/8 definitions]
penetrate to pierce or go into or through; enter or pass through the interior of. [2/7 definitions]
reckon to take one's bearings in order to go in the right direction. [1/5 definitions]
send to direct (someone) to go in order to carry out some task. [1/7 definitions]