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Aphrodite the goddess of love and beauty in Greek mythology. In Roman mythology, Aphrodite is called Venus.
Artemis in Greek mythology, a goddess associated with the moon, virginity, and hunting; Diana.
Astarte in Semitic mythology, a goddess of love and fertility.
Athena the goddess of wisdom, the arts, and warfare, in Greek mythology. Athena was born out of the head of Zeus, ruler of the gods. In Roman mythology, Athena is called Minerva.
Aurora in Roman mythology, the goddess of dawn. [1/3 definitions]
Ceres the goddess of farming in Roman mythology. In Greek mythology, Ceres is called Demeter.
deity a god or goddess. [1/2 definitions]
Demeter the goddess of farming, marriage, and childbirth in Greek mythology. In Roman mythology, Demeter is called Ceres.
Devi a Hindu mother goddess. [2 definitions]
Diana in Roman mythology, a goddess associated with the moon and hunting, and a protector of women; Artemis.
durga the Hindu goddess of war.
Eris in Greek mythology, the goddess of conflict or discord; Discordia.
Gaea in Greek mythology, the goddess personifying the earth who gave birth to the Titans.
Hecate in Greek mythology, a goddess of the earth and underworld, and later of witchcraft.
Hera the goddess of marriage in Greek mythology. Hera was the wife and sister of Zeus, ruler of the gods. In Roman mythology, Hera is called Juno.
Hygeia in Greek mythology, the goddess personifying health.
Irene in Greek mythology, the goddess personifying peace; Pax.
Ishtar the Assyrian and Babylonian goddess of love, fertility, and later, war.
Isis in Egyptian mythology, the goddess of fertility.
Juno the goddess of marriage in Roman mythology. Juno was the wife and sister of Jupiter. In Greek mythology, Juno is called Hera.
Kali a Hindu goddess of life and death.