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balata a rubberlike gum that is made from the sap of this tree and is used in making golf balls, machine belts, and other industrial rubber items. [1/2 definitions]
best-ball of or designating a system of scoring in golf competition in which, on each hole, the lower score of either partner is recorded as the score for that team.
birdie in golf, a score of one stroke under par for a hole. [2/3 definitions]
bogey in golf, a score of one above par on a hole. [1/2 definitions]
brassie a wooden golf club with a brass-plated sole, used to hit long, low shots; a number two wood.
bunker in golf, a hazard, esp. a sand trap. [2/5 definitions]
chip shot a short golf shot, used in approaching the green, in which the ball is lofted and rolls some distance after landing.
club in golf, a long instrument with a curved or flat head, used to hit the ball. [1/7 definitions]
country club a suburban social club with a clubhouse and facilities for sports such as swimming, golf, and tennis.
cup in golf, the hole on the green into which one tries to putt the ball. [1/7 definitions]
divot a piece of turf torn up by a golf club in making a stroke.
dogleg something bent at a sharp angle, esp. a road or a golf fairway with a sharp curve. [1/2 definitions]
downswing a swing in a downward direction, as of a golf club. [1/2 definitions]
eagle in golf, a score of two under par on a single hole. [1/3 definitions]
fairway the stretch of mowed grass between the tee and the green on each hole of a golf course. [1/2 definitions]
follow-through the final part of a stroke, kick, throw, or swing, as of a golf club after the ball has been hit. [1/2 definitions]
fore2 in golf, used as a warning to alert those who may be in the path of a golf ball that is about to be driven.
foursome a match between two pairs of partners, as in golf or bridge, or the participants therein. [1/2 definitions]
gallery a group of spectators, as at a golf or tennis match. [1/7 definitions]
golf to play golf. [1/2 definitions]
golf cart a small, motorized vehicle designed for transportation on a golf course.