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College of Cardinals the organized body of cardinals of the Roman Catholic Church that elects the Pope and helps him govern the church.
constitution the system of basic laws that govern a nation, state, or other organization. [1/2 definitions]
dominate to control or govern by the use of power or influence; rule. [1/5 definitions]
dominion the power or authority to govern or control; sovereignty. [1/3 definitions]
dualism in theology, the belief that two opposing principles, good and evil, govern the world, or the belief that man has two basic natures, physical and spiritual. [1/3 definitions]
governable combined form of govern.
Greenland the largest island in the world, located in the north Atlantic Ocean. Greenland is a part of North America. The island belongs to the country of Denmark, but recently it has gained the right to govern itself in some ways. Nuuk is the capital of Greenland.
law the set of customs, statutes, or rules that govern a society. [1/6 definitions]
misgovern to administer or govern poorly or improperly.
misrule to govern poorly. [1/3 definitions]
national sovereignty the right or power of a nation-state to govern itself, with independence from outside control.
rule to have authority over; govern. [2/3 definitions]
state sovereignty the right or power of a nation-state to govern itself, with independence from outside control. [2 definitions]
syntax the rules in a language that govern the structure and formation of sentences. [1/5 definitions]
town hall a building where people who govern a town have their offices and, usually, where these people and people of the town have meetings.
tyrannize to treat or govern cruelly or oppressively; act tyrannically toward. [2/3 definitions]