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alcaide a commander or governor of a fortress in Spain, Portugal, or their colonies.
bey an Ottoman Empire provincial governor. [1/3 definitions]
Bill Clinton 42nd President of the United States (1993-2001) and, previously, Governor of Arkansas for several terms; born William Jefferson Blythe III, subsequently William Jefferson Clinton (b.1946).
crown colony a British colony administered by a governor appointed by the home government in London.
durbar an official reception or public audience by an Indian prince or British governor, or the hall in which the reception is held. [1/2 definitions]
emir a Muslim chieftain or governor. [1/2 definitions]
Executive Mansion the official home of the governor of a state. [1/2 definitions]
Gov. abbreviation of "governor."
governor general a governor of a large region, area, or territory who has jurisdiction over other governors or deputy governors.
governorship the office, functions, jurisdiction, or term of a governor.
gubernatorial of or pertaining to the office of governor or to a governor.
hakim2 a Muslim judge, ruler, or governor.
Jimmy Carter U.S. statesman, the 39th U.S. President (1977-1981) and 83rd Governor of Georgia (1971-1975); born James Earl Carter, Jr. (b.1924).
lieutenant governor in the United States, an elected official of a state who ranks just below the governor and who assumes the governor's position in the event of the latter's absence or death. [2 definitions]
margrave the military governor of a medieval German border province.
nabob a provincial governor in the Indian Mogul empire. [1/2 definitions]
nawab a governor or viceroy in India under the Mogul empire; nabob.
Pilate the Roman governor of Judea who presided at the trial of Jesus Christ and authorized his crucifixion; Pontius Pilate.
prefecture in Japan, a region administered by a governor. [1/2 definitions]
regent a ruler or governor. [1/3 definitions]
Ronald Reagan the 40th President of the United States (1981-1989) and 33rd Governor of California (1967-1975), who had an earlier career as a film actor and president of the Screen Actors Guild. President Reagan worked to end the Cold War and to improve U.S. relations with the Soviet Union; born Ronald Wilson Reagan (b.1911--d.2004).