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Dictionary Suite
alumna a female graduate or former student of an educational institution.
alumnus a male graduate or former student of an educational institution.
baccalaureate a ceremony given for a class about to graduate from a school, or the address or sermon at such a ceremony. [1/2 definitions]
class all of the students who graduate in the same year. [1/8 definitions]
doctorate the highest academic degree, esp. the Ph.D., awarded for completion of advanced work at the graduate level, or as an honorary degree, and conferring the title or status of doctor on the recipient; doctor's degree.
fellow a graduate student at a university or college who receives financial assistance to pursue specific studies. [1/7 definitions]
grad (informal) someone who has graduated from a school; graduate.
graduate a person who has finished studying at high school or college. A diploma is given to a graduate to show that all the necessary work has been done. [1/2 definitions]
GRE abbreviation of "Graduate Record Examination."
high school a school that begins with grades nine or ten and ends with grade twelve. You get a diploma when you graduate from high school.
intern2 an advanced student or recent graduate in a specialized field, esp. medicine, who is serving an apprenticeship in the appropriate practical setting, such as a hospital. [1/2 definitions]
M.A. abbreviation of "Master of Arts," a graduate degree, below that of doctor, that is given by a college or university to a person who has completed a prescribed course of graduate study in the humanities or social sciences; master's degree.
Master of Arts a graduate degree, below that of doctor, that is given by a college or university to a person who has completed a prescribed course of graduate study in the humanities or social sciences; master's degree. (abbr.: M.A.)
midshipman a student or recent graduate of naval officer training. (See cadet.)
nongraduate combined form of graduate.
preppie (informal) a student at, or a graduate of, a private preparatory school. [1/3 definitions]
teaching fellow a graduate student at a university who performs certain teaching duties in exchange for financial aid.
U. abbreviation of "University," an educational institution devoted to learning and research and authorized to award degrees on both the graduate and undergraduate levels (used in a proper name).
university an educational institution devoted to learning and research and authorized to award degrees on both the graduate and undergraduate levels.