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absolute in grammar, syntactically independent, or nearly so, as "the weather being chilly" in the sentence "The weather being chilly, we stayed home." [1/7 definitions]
accidence in grammar, the division of morphology that is concerned with inflections. [1/2 definitions]
active always doing something; busy; full of energy. [2 definitions]
adj. abbreviation of "adjective," in grammar, a word that modifies a noun or noun equivalent.
adjective in grammar, a word that modifies a noun or noun equivalent. [1/2 definitions]
adv. abbreviation of "adverb," in grammar, a word that modifies a verb, adjective, or other adverb or adverbial phrase.
adverb in grammar, a word that modifies a verb, adjective, other adverb, adverbial phrase, or sentence.
adversative in grammar, indicating opposition or contrast. [1/2 definitions]
affix in grammar, a word element that, when added to a word, modifies its meaning or function; prefix, infix, or suffix. [1/5 definitions]
agreement in grammar, correspondence between the number, person, or grammatical gender of two syntactically connected words, esp.that of subject and verb or adjective and noun. [1/5 definitions]
antecedent in grammar, the word or word group to which a pronoun refers, as in "The women demanded their rights," in which "women" is the antecedent of "their." [1/4 definitions]
apposition in grammar, the relationship, esp. of the second to the first, of two nouns or noun equivalents that are placed together in a sentence without a connecting conjunction, as in "Ed Smith, the famous athlete". [1/3 definitions]
appositive in grammar, a word, phrase, or clause that functions as a noun and is placed, without a conjunction, immediately after a noun or noun equivalent that refers to the same person, place, or thing, such as "a devoted scholar" in "my mother, a devoted scholar". [2 definitions]
art. abbreviation of "article," in English grammar, the words "a," "an," and "the," which are used with nouns and act to limit the nouns' applications. (See "definite article," "indefinite article.")
article in grammar, the words "a," "an," and "the" as well as words equivalent to these in languages other than English, which are used with nouns and act to limit the nouns' applications. (See "definite article," "indefinite article.") [1/4 definitions]
aspect in grammar, a category of verb inflections, such as past perfect and past progressive, that indicate whether an action or state is ended or continues, is singular or repeated, and the like. [1/5 definitions]
attributive in grammar, indicating an attribute, as adjectives and adverbs that immediately precede the words they modify. [2/3 definitions]
augmentative in grammar, of or pertaining to a word, word element, or phrase that signifies an increase in size, intensity, or the like, such as "super-" in "superheated". [2/3 definitions]
case1 in grammar, the syntactical relationship of a noun, pronoun, or adjective to other words in a sentence, indicated by its inflection or its position in the sentence. [1/9 definitions]
clause in grammar, a sequence of words having a subject and a verb and forming one part of a compound or complex sentence, or all of a simple sentence. [1/2 definitions]
comparative in grammar, denoting the form of adjectives and adverbs that indicates an intermediate degree of comparison. [2/5 definitions]