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Dictionary Suite
awe a very strong feeling of wonder, reverence, or fear, caused by something grand or powerful. [1/2 definitions]
baby grand the smallest of grand pianos, about five feet long.
concert grand the largest size of grand piano, used esp. for concert performances.
deluxe in a grand style; sumptuously or elegantly. [1/2 definitions]
Don Budge U.S. tennis player who in 1938 was the first man to win the four tournaments that compose the grand slam of tennis (b.1915--d.2000).
epic on a grand scale. [1/3 definitions]
gallant majestic, grand, or showy. [1/7 definitions]
GOP abbreviation of "Grand Old Party," an alternative term for the Republican Party.
grand a grand piano. [1/6 definitions]
Grand Canyon a long, deep valley with steep, rocky walls formed by the Colorado River. The Grand Canyon is in northwestern Arizona.
grand duchess the wife or widow of a grand duke. [2/3 definitions]
grand duchy a territory or country ruled by a grand duke or duchess.
grand duke a man who rules a grand duchy. [1/2 definitions]
grande dame (French) a grand or great lady, esp. one of advanced age; lady of aristocratic manner.
grandeur the quality of being majestic, splendid, or grand.
grandiose pretentious, pompous, or excessively grand. [2 definitions]
grandioso in a grand, majestic style (used as a musical direction).
grand jury a jury made up of citizens who are gathered to determine whether there is enough evidence against accused persons to indict them and bring them to trial. A grand jury is typically composed of twenty-three people but the number may vary.
GT abbreviation of "grand touring (car)."
Haman according to the Old Testament, the grand vizier of the Persian empire who conspired to have the Jews of that country massacred, but who was hanged when his plot was exposed.
indict to bring a formal accusation of a crime against, as by the findings of a grand jury. [1/2 definitions]