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berry in botany, a fleshy fruit with a seed or seeds embedded in the pulp, such as the grape, currant, or tomato. [1/5 definitions]
Catawba a light red grape cultivated in the eastern United States, or the dry white wine made from it. [1/3 definitions]
chardonnay the grape used to make this wine. [1/2 definitions]
chenin blanc the white grape from which this wine is made. [1/2 definitions]
dolma a dish consisting of a vegetable such as a green pepper or grape or cabbage leaf, stuffed with rice, ground meat, and spices, and cooked.
eau de vie water of life (French); brandy, esp. a colorless distillation of a fruit other than the grape.
fermentation the chemical act or process, caused by a fermenting agent, of converting a carbohydrate into alcohol, acids, and other compounds, as yeast converts the sugar in grape juice into alcohol, producing wine. [1/2 definitions]
glucose a form of sugar that occurs naturally in fruits, plants, and animal tissues; grape sugar. [1/2 definitions]
grape ivy a climbing vine having hairy, trifoliate leaves, related to the grape and grown as a houseplant.
grapevine a grape-bearing vine. [1/2 definitions]
Malaga a kind of grape used to make this wine. [1/2 definitions]
merlot a red grape from which some French Bordeaux wines are made. [2 definitions]
metonymy a figure of speech in which the name of one thing is used in place of something else with which it is associated, such as "the grape" for wine, "laurels" for fame, or "the law" for a police officer.
Muscadet (sometimes l.c.) a light, dry French wine, or the grape from which this wine is made.
muscadine a purple grape of the southern United States.
muscat a sweet, white variety of grape used for wine and raisins.
muscatel a muscat grape. [1/2 definitions]
must3 grape juice prior to fermentation; unfermented wine.
pinot blanc any of several varieties of white grape grown in Burgundy, France, that are used in the making of white wine and champagne.
pinot noir any of several varieties of purplish red grape grown in Burgundy, France, that are used in the making of red wine.
raisin a sweet grape that has been dried for use as food.