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armyworm any of various caterpillars that travel about in great numbers, usu. inflicting heavy damage on crops and grass.
bamboo a tropical grass plant that has hard, woody, hollow stalks. Bamboo stalks grow straight and tall, and very quickly. Many kinds of bamboo grow as high as a tree. [1/2 definitions]
barley a plant that is like grass and whose grains are used to make food. [1/2 definitions]
basket a container made of materials such as wood strips, grass, or straw that are woven or laced together. [1/3 definitions]
bent2 any of several low-growing grasses, some of which are used for lawns or for hay; bent grass. [2 definitions]
Bermuda grass a perennial creeping grass widely grown for lawns and pastures in Bermuda, the southern United States, and other warm regions.
bluegrass a grass with a blue-green color that is grown in pastures and on lawns. Kentucky is famous for bluegrass. [1/2 definitions]
broomcorn a cultivated grass variety with stiff-branched flower stalks used in making brooms and brushes.
buffalo grass a range grass found on the plains east of the Rocky Mountains.
cane the long, hard stem of the bamboo plant and other large grass plants. [1/3 definitions]
cheat an annual brome grass, originally native to Europe but now a weed in wheat-growing regions worldwide; chess. [1/11 definitions]
citronella a bluish green grass of southern Asia from which a fragrant oil is obtained. [2 definitions]
couch grass a grass that has creeping rootstocks, by which it spreads rapidly, and is considered a troublesome weed; quack grass; quitch.
crop to cut off the top or ends of (grass, hair, or the like). [1/12 definitions]
dew little drops of water that collect at night on grass, plants, and other cool surfaces.
esparto either of two kinds of long, tough grass, found in Spain and North Africa, used in making paper, rope, shoes, and baskets.
esplanade a level, open expanse of pavement or grass, esp. one intended for walking or riding along a shore.
everglade a very large swamp in a warm climate. Rivers or streams flow slowly through an everglade, and tall, thick grass grows throughout.
fairway the stretch of mowed grass between the tee and the green on each hole of a golf course. [1/2 definitions]
garden the British word for an area around one's home planted with grass, flowers, or other plants. This meaning of "garden" has the same meaning as the American word "yard." [1/3 definitions]
glume one of two bracts on a spikelet of grass or sedge.