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bustard any of several large long-legged birds related to the cranes and often found in open grassy areas of Europe, Asia, and Africa.
capybara a large, furry rodent that has no tail. Capybara live near rivers, lakes, or other watery areas in forests or grassy regions of South America. Capybara are related to guinea pigs, mice, and squirrels, but they are much larger. Despite their size, they eat only plants.
field an expanse of open and usu. grassy ground, or such an expanse used for growing crops. [1/11 definitions]
green a grassy area. [1/17 definitions]
lea an open, usu. grassy piece of land; meadow.
llano a large, open grassy plain, esp. one in Central or South America or southwestern North America.
mall a grassy open space, usu. lined with shade trees and used as a public place for walking. [2/4 definitions]
meadow an open grassy area in a hilly or mountainous region. [1/2 definitions]
National Mall a large grassy open area in Washington D.C., surrounded by museums and monuments, designed for use by the public.
quad1 a large, open, usu. grassy area with buildings on all four sides, esp. on a college campus; quadrangle.
quadrangle a large, open, usu. grassy area with buildings on all four sides, esp. on a college campus; quad. [1/3 definitions]
savanna a grassy plain with scattered tree growth, found in tropical or subtropical regions.
sod a piece of grassy turf that has been cut or torn away with the roots. [2/3 definitions]
steenbok a small antelope found in grassy areas of eastern and southern Africa.
sward grassy land or turf, or a section of such land.
veld an open, grassy stretch of land with only occasional trees or shrubs, esp. as found in southern Africa.