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bury to put in a grave or tomb, or in the sea. [1/2 definitions]
Davy Jones's locker the bottom of the ocean, esp. when referred to as the grave of all the sailors who have died or will die at sea.
disastrous causing grave harm, loss, ruin, or the like; tragic or calamitous.
exhume to dig out, esp. from a grave; disinter. [1/2 definitions]
fury (pl.; cap.) in Greek and Roman mythology, the three horrible female creatures that pursue to the grave those who have committed unpunished crimes. [1/4 definitions]
grave2 see "grave accent." [1/4 definitions]
graven a past participle of grave3.
graveside the area beside a grave. [2 definitions]
gravesite the location of a grave or graves; a place of burial.
gravestone a stone placed as a marker at a person's grave.
grievous grave and deplorable; heinous. [1/3 definitions]
headstone a stone set at the head of a person's grave; tombstone. Headstones honor that person's memory and usually have writing carved into them.
inter to bury in a grave or tomb.
interment the act or ritual of placing in a grave or tomb; burial.
repose1 to rest in a grave. [1/7 definitions]
secondary accent see "grave accent." [1/2 definitions]
serious not smiling or laughing; solemn; grave. [1/4 definitions]
seriously in a grave and frank manner, or without humor or frivolity. [1/4 definitions]
solemn serious or grave in appearance, sound, or mood. [1/3 definitions]
solemnity the condition or quality of being grave or serious. [1/2 definitions]
tomb a hole in which a dead body is buried; grave. [1/2 definitions]