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binary star two stars orbiting around a common center of gravity and often appearing as one to the unaided sight or through a telescope; double star.
black hole a region or body in space with gravity so strong that neither light nor matter can escape it. Scientists believe that black holes form when very large stars collapse.
diageotropic of, relating to, or being a plant organ that grows at a right angle to the line of gravity.
diageotropism the tendency of certain plant organs to grow at a right angle to the line of gravity.
eclipsing binary two stars that orbit a common center of gravity and periodically move in front of each other, causing a fluctuating magnitude.
escape velocity the minimum speed by which an object can become free from the field of gravity of a planet, star, or the like.
g3 abbreviation of "gravity," or "gravities," the force by which a planet or other such body tends to draw objects toward its center.
galaxy a collection of billions of stars and other matter held together by gravity. Our planet Earth and the sun belong to the Milky Way galaxy. They are only tiny parts of this galaxy.
geotropism movement or growth of a living organism in response to gravity, such as the downward growth of plant roots.
gravimeter a device for measuring the specific gravity of a solid or liquid. [1/2 definitions]
gravitate to move toward or be attracted to something by or as if by a force of gravity.
gravitational having to do with gravity, the force by which a planet or other similar body in space tends to draw objects toward its center.
hydrometer an instrument, usu. a sealed glass tube containing a graduated scale and weighted at one end, used to measure the specific gravity of liquids.
Isaac Newton an English philosopher and mathematician who formulated the laws of gravity (b.1642--d.1727).
levitate to rise and float, apparently without hindrance from the force of gravity. [1/2 definitions]
pendulum a weight suspended on a long cord, wire, or lever so as to swing back and forth under the influence of gravity.
power dive a steep downward plunge of an aircraft such as a fighter plane that is accelerated by engine power as well as gravity.
roller coaster an amusement park ride in which a small, gravity-propelled train of open cars rides rapidly up and down a curving, winding, track built on trestles.
solemn profound because of great seriousness or gravity, or because attended by high ceremony. [1/3 definitions]
solemnize to perform with dignity and gravity, as required by ritual or other convention. [1/3 definitions]
terminal velocity the highest speed reached by a falling object, when the forces of gravity and air resistance are in equilibrium.