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achromatic consisting of black, gray, or white; colorless. [1/3 definitions]
altocumulus a cloud having rounded, fluffy edges and a white or gray color, found at medium altitudes.
altostratus a thick dense cloud that forms a uniform gray sheet that often produces precipitation, found at medium altitudes.
ambergris a gray, waxy substance from the intestines of sperm whales, used in making perfume.
arctic fox a fox of arctic regions, whose fur is blue-gray or brownish gray in summer and white or light gray in winter.
ash1 the soft gray powder that remains after something burns.
bayberry any of several types of shrubs or trees found esp. in the eastern United States that bear a waxy, gray fruit. [1/2 definitions]
beech a tree that has smooth, gray bark and nuts that people can eat.
beige the color that comes from mixing tan and gray paint.
beryllium a hard, light, gray substance that is one of the chemical elements. Beryllium is sometimes combined with other elements to form an alloy. It is also used in building rockets. (symbol: Be)
black-and-white of a movie or photograph, using the colors black, white, and gray only. [1/2 definitions]
blue fox the arctic fox during its summer bluish gray phase, or a mutant of the arctic fox that is this color throughout the year. [1/2 definitions]
blue point a variety of Siamese cat with a pale body and dark bluish gray points.
blue whale the largest whale, as much as one hundred feet long, with a bluish gray back, yellow undersides, and grooves running lengthwise on the throat and abdomen.
boll weevil a small beetle with a gray body and a long snout. It lays eggs in the seed pods of the cotton plant where they hatch and cause much damage to crops.
brindled brownish or gray with darker spots or streaks.
calcium carbide a dark gray crystalline compound used as a dehydrating agent and a source of acetylene gas and calcium cyanimide.
Canada goose a large wild goose of North America, having brownish gray feathers, a black head and neck, and a white patch under the chin and up both sides of the face.
catbird a dark gray North American songbird. One of its calls is like the sound a cat makes.
chickadee a small North American bird with a gray body and black head and throat.
chinchilla the soft, silvery gray fur of this animal. [1/4 definitions]