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aggrieve to distress or bring grief to; cause to suffer. [1/2 definitions]
alas used to express regret, sorrow, or grief.
anguished feeling or showing great suffering or pain.
bemoan to express grief; lament; mourn. [1/3 definitions]
bereaved in a state of grief over the death of a friend or relative. [1/2 definitions]
bitter full of, marked by, or causing emotions such as grief, anger, resentment, or hatred. [1/5 definitions]
bleed to feel grief, sympathy, or sorrow. [1/3 definitions]
broken-hearted full of intense grief or disappointment.
comforting serving or intending to relieve grief, worry, or other distress. [1/2 definitions]
complain to express dissatisfaction, pain, grief, or other negative feelings. [1/3 definitions]
con dolore with grief or sadness; sorrowfully (used as a musical direction).
console1 to give comfort in time of loss, defeat, or suffering; relieve grief or disappointment; give solace to.
crocodile tears a hypocritical display of grief; insincere tears.
deplorable causing sorrow or grief; lamentable. [1/2 definitions]
desolation a feeling of grief or misery. [1/4 definitions]
doleful causing sorrow, grief, or unhappiness. [1/2 definitions]
dolor a feeling or mood of sorrow, grief, or woe.
dolorous feeling, showing, or causing grief or sorrow.
drown to try to deaden (sorrow or grief) with alcoholic drink. [1/4 definitions]
fall apart to be suddenly overcome with laughter or strong emotion such as grief. [1/4 definitions]
grief-stricken suffering from much grief; sorrowing.