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accrue to grow or accumulate over time, esp. as something of benefit.
accumulate to grow in amount or mass. [1/2 definitions]
advance to make progress or grow. [1/8 definitions]
age to make or cause to grow old; mature. [1/8 definitions]
alder any of several deciduous trees and shrubs of the birch family that grow in cool, damp regions.
alligator flag any of a family of large, broad-leafed, tropical, aquatic plants that usually grow up to six feet tall and have heavy blooms of delicate blue and purple flowers.
anaconda a very large snake found in South America. Anacondas are not poisonous but kill other animals by squeezing them until they cannot breathe. Anacondas can grow to over twenty feet long.
ankylose to grow together, join, or stiffen by ankylosis, as the bones of a joint.
antler one of a pair of bony growths on the head of most kinds of deer. Male elk, moose, and white-tailed deer all grow antlers with branches or prongs. Deer grow new antlers every year. Caribou and reindeer are the only deer that have antlers on both the males and the females.
apple a firm, round fruit with red, green, or yellow skin. Apples grow on trees.
appreciate to grow in value. [1/4 definitions]
armadillo a mammal whose body is protected by hard, bony plates. Armadillos live in Central and South America, and the southern United States. Some kinds of armadillos are only six inches long; other kinds grow up to four feet in length. They eat mostly insects and are related to sloths and anteaters.
axillar (usu. pl.) any of the feathers that grow under a bird's wing. [1/2 definitions]
axillary (usu. pl.) any of the feathers that grow under a bird's wing; axillar. [1/3 definitions]
babirusa a wild pig of the East Indies, the male of which has tusks that grow up through the snout and curve backward toward the eyes.
baby's-breath a plant of the pink family that has small delicate white or pink flowers that grow in branching clusters.
bamboo a tropical grass plant that has hard, woody, hollow stalks. Bamboo stalks grow straight and tall, and very quickly. Many kinds of bamboo grow as high as a tree. [1/2 definitions]
banana a long, curved, soft fruit with a thick yellow skin. Bananas grow in bunches on tropical trees.
batten1 to grow fat; thrive. [2/3 definitions]
beach grass any of several tough, deeply rooted perennial grasses that grow wild on beaches and are sometimes planted there to combat erosion.
become to grow or come to be.