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accretion the process of gradual increase or growth, esp. by additions from the outside. [1/3 definitions]
agrobiology the applied science of plant growth and nutrition aimed at improving soil conditions and crop yield.
allometry the growth rate of part of an organism in comparison with the growth rate of the entire organism or some other part of it. [2 definitions]
anastomose to connect, either by natural branching growth or by surgery (parts of a blood vessel, nerve, or any branching system).
annual ring one of the rings of wood on the inside of a tree that can be seen when the tree is cut into logs. Each ring represents a year of growth.
antibiotic a medicine that can destroy or prevent the growth of disease and infection.
antigrowth combined form of growth.
antimicrobial acting to kill or inhibit the growth of microorganisms. [2 definitions]
apoptosis genetically regulated cell death that occurs as a normal part of growth and development, and which also occurs when a cell becomes damaged.
auxin any of a group of organic compounds, often plant hormones, that affect plant growth.
bald not covered by a natural growth. [1/2 definitions]
barren not able to produce or support growth. [1/2 definitions]
bear1 to produce by growth. [1/7 definitions]
beard the facial hair of a man, or the extended growth of such hair. [2/4 definitions]
bearded having a substantial growth of beard.
biodynamic1 of or relating to a form of agriculture that applies mystical and astrological practices to farming and treats soil fertility, plant growth, and animal care as ecologically interrelated tasks. [1/2 definitions]
biology the science that studies the growth and life processes of living things.
boom1 a time of fast growth. [1/4 definitions]
boscage a mass of woody growth; thicket.
bracken a thick growth or mass of such ferns. [1/2 definitions]
browse new plant growth, such as shoots, leaves, and the like, that is suitable for grazing. [1/6 definitions]