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blacksmith a person who forges and shapes iron, using a hammer and anvil. [1/2 definitions]
claw hammer a hammer with the back side of the head curved and split in two to resemble a pair of claws, used to pry out nails.
clinch to hammer down sideways (the protruding point of a nail) to make more secure. [1/8 definitions]
cock1 an adult male chicken or the male of other closely related birds, such as turkeys or pheasants; rooster. [2/3 definitions]
denominative a denominative word, such as the verb "to hammer". [1/3 definitions]
drop-forge to shape (heated metal) with a drop hammer.
drop press see "drop hammer."
foliate to hammer or cut into thin sheets; make foil of (metal). [1/9 definitions]
fuller2 a partly rounded tool that blacksmiths use to hammer grooves into iron. [1/2 definitions]
gavel a small wooden hammer. It is used by a judge or someone in charge of a meeting or auction to get attention, call for order, or signal a sale.
gong a large piece of metal shaped like a plate that makes a loud ringing sound when struck with a stick or hammer.
half cock the partly raised position of the hammer of a firearm, at which point the trigger locks and cannot be pulled.
half-cocked of a firearm, with the hammer raised halfway and locked to prevent firing. [1/2 definitions]
hammer to hit or strike with a hammer; pound. [4/2 definitions]
hammer and sickle a representation of these implements, crossed, used as a symbol of the Communist party, the hammer representing workers and the sickle representing peasants.
hammerhead the head of a hammer. [1/2 definitions]
hammerless combined form of hammer.
mallet a hammer with a short handle and a round head made of wood, rubber, or some other material.
maul a heavy hammer, sometimes with a wooden head, used to drive stakes, piles, or the like. [1/2 definitions]
nail a thin, pointed piece of metal with a flat top. You hammer nails into pieces of wood or other material in order to fasten them together. [1/2 definitions]
peen a ball-shaped or wedge-shaped end opposite the flat striking surface on the head of a hammer. [1/2 definitions]