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bag to hang loosely. [1/10 definitions]
blouse to hang or puff out loosely. [1/4 definitions]
dangle to hang or swing loosely. [2 definitions]
drape to decorate or cover with a cloth that hangs in folds. [3 definitions]
droop to hang or sink down; bend in a limp manner.
fall to hang down. [1/10 definitions]
flagpole a pole on which to hang or fly a flag.
gambrel a wood or metal frame, used by butchers to hang carcasses. [1/2 definitions]
halter1 a rope with a noose used to hang a condemned person; hangman's noose. [1/5 definitions]
hangable combined form of hang.
hanger a frame with a hook at the top, made of wire, wood, or plastic, and shaped so that one may hang clothes over it. [2 definitions]
hang out to stick out and hang downwards. [3/6 definitions]
hook to hold, hang, or pull with a hook or as with a hook. [1/10 definitions]
hung a past tense and past participle of hang.
locust a North American tree in the legume family that has leaves with many parts and white flowers that hang in clusters. [1/3 definitions]
loll to stand, sit, or lie in a lazy or relaxed manner; lounge. [2 definitions]
lop2 to droop or be suspended loosely; hang down. [1/5 definitions]
monkey a small mammal that is one of the primates. Monkeys have very flexible hands and feet. Some kinds of monkeys have tails which they use to hang from trees. Different kinds of monkeys live in Central and South America, Africa, and Asia. [1/3 definitions]
opossum a small mammal with gray fur, a pointed nose, and a long tail, which it uses to hang from tree branches. The common opossum is the only marsupial that lives in North America. Several other kinds of opossums live in Central and South America. The female opossum carries her young in a pouch in her belly. [1/2 definitions]
overhang to hang above, as a cloud or danger. [1/5 definitions]
Peg-Board trademark for a board with holes into which pegs or hooks are placed, used to hang tools or the like for storage or display.