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armor plate specially hardened steel plates used to protect vehicles or fortifications.
brick a uniform, rectangular block of clay, dried and hardened by sun or in a kiln, used as a building material. [1/6 definitions]
cake a hardened, formed mass of some substance. [2/4 definitions]
callosity a hardened or thickened part, as on a plant or on the skin; callus. [2 definitions]
callous having calluses; hardened; thickened. [2/4 definitions]
callus to become thickened and hardened. [1/3 definitions]
cuticle the hardened, nonliving skin at the base and sides of fingernails and toenails. [1/3 definitions]
Don Juan a hardened and practiced seducer; rake or libertine. [1/2 definitions]
fossilize to make hardened, rigid, or outmoded as though turned to stone, esp. a person's ideas or attitudes. [1/3 definitions]
freeze to become hardened into ice or a solid form through loss of heat. [1/17 definitions]
frozen converted into a solid or hardened by freezing. [1/6 definitions]
horny hardened, or calloused. [1/3 definitions]
jellybean a small, egg-shaped, colored candy that has a hardened sugar coating and a gelatinous center.
knot1 to become hardened or knotted. [1/14 definitions]
plasterboard a thin sheet of hardened plaster covered with paper or cardboard and used to cover walls and ceilings.
plastic any of numerous synthetic substances, usu. organic polymers, that can be easily shaped when soft and then hardened, and that are widely used as industrial and domestic materials and finished products. [1/5 definitions]
pumice light, porous hardened lava, powdered or whole, used as an abrasive and polishing agent. [1/2 definitions]
quartzite a metamorphic rock that consists of quartz and hardened sandstone.
scale1 a thin layer or layers of some kind of substance that has hardened. [1/7 definitions]
season to dry or cure (lumber) until hardened and usable. [1/8 definitions]