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buffer1 in computer terminology, a portion of the hardware used to hold information temporarily. [1/6 definitions]
crash1 in computing, to fail suddenly and completely, as a software program, operating system, or component of computer hardware. [1/17 definitions]
cupronickel an alloy of copper containing nickel, used to make coins and hardware.
documentation in computers, written and graphic material supplied to explain the operation and maintenance of hardware and software. [1/3 definitions]
fire wall (usu. spelled as one word) software or hardware that prevents unauthorized access to a computer or local area network from an outside network such as the Internet. [1/2 definitions]
ironmonger (chiefly British) a merchant who sells household tools, equipment, and other hardware.
ironmonger's (chiefly British) a shop where household tools, equipment, and other hardware items are sold; hardware store.
operating system in computing, the software that controls and manages all aspects of a computer's operation, including the execution of application programs; the functioning of computer hardware; data input and output; the timing of and allocation of resources to the execution of multiple, simultaneous tasks; the physical storage and location of data; and computer security. Users interact with the operating system though a graphical user interface.
PDF abbreviation of "portable document format," a file format (invented by Adobe Systems, Inc.) that represents documents created in a variety of word processing and desktop publishing programs as they were intended to appear, independently of the platform or hardware with which they are created or read.
platform a hardware or software system, based on specific technical standards, that allows only compatible software to run on it. [1/6 definitions]
portable document format a file format (invented by Adobe Systems, Inc.) that represents documents created in a variety of word processing and desktop publishing programs as they were intended to appear, independently of the platform or hardware with which they are created or read.
turnkey system a complete computer system of hardware and software sold as a unit.