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Dictionary Suite
crookneck any of several varieties of squash that have one tapered, curved end.
dibranchiate any of various tentacled mollusks, such as octopus and squid, that have one pair of gills.
keep to have on hand or in supply. [1/14 definitions]
limited company (chiefly British) a company owned by shareholders who have only limited liability for the company's debts.
Ltd. abbreviation of "limited (company)," (chiefly British) a company owned by shareholders who have only limited liability for the company's debts.
publish to have one's written or graphic work issued to the public; be published. [1/5 definitions]
rank1 to have one of the highest ranks or be in great esteem. [1/10 definitions]
register to have one's name put in an official register; enroll. [1/15 definitions]
rotifer any of a group of mostly freshwater, microscopic, multicellular organisms that have one or more wheel-like rings of cilia at the front end which appear to rotate when vibrated.
spoiled having a misguided sense that one is entitled to have one's desires and wishes gratified, resulting from overly indulgent treatment by parents or others. [1/3 definitions]
straddle to have one leg on each side of (a horse, fence, line, or the like); be astride. [1/8 definitions]
trematode any of various parasitic flatworms that have one or more external suckers with which to attach themselves to a host.